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Citribrite CAA Interested?


citric acid / Citrics


CAS no.:77-92-9

EINECS no.. :201-069-1



Citrbrite CAA Citric Acid Anhydrate is widely used as an acidifier. It gives food a fresh taste. Citribrite CAA bonds with metals, so the food stays good longer. Therefore, the water also remains soft in cleaning preparations.
Also ask Sirius about our Citribrite CAM and Citribrite TSC.


Citric acid attracts water and easily clumps together. The production procedure, particle size distribution and packaging of Citribrite CAA are such that clumping is avoided. This is guaranteed.

Citribrite CAA (E330) complies with BP2009 and USP32.


Packaging: 25kg bags, 1000kg big bags

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